Sunday, April 6, 2008

First day back at work and a few other firsts...

Well, today is Sunday April 6th. Not only is it my niece's birthday (Happy Birthday Luzzy), but it is my first day back to work from maternity leave :(. It is kind of nice to be back, but I just keep thinking about what is going on at home. (The reason for the present tense is because I am actually at work right now writing this, lots of free time today). When I left this morning I didn't cry, but I did, I admit, get a little teary eyed. Josh just looked so darn cute in his alligator pj's when I had to leave him. But Jeff is being so good and has text messaged me with updates on diaper changes and feedings, God love him. He knows that I am neurotic about leaving the baby for the first time, and he is being a good sport about dealing with my neurotica (my own invented word, isn't it fun?). The good thing is that I don't have to work again until Thursday when my mom will be watching him. Thanks mom!
Along with it being my first day back, there are a few other firsts to talk about.......Josh slept through the night last night (from 8:30PM-6:00AM), that was a nice first. I still didn't get much sleep though because I kept checking on him to make sure that he was breathing.
Also the past couple of days we have been dealing with Josh's first cold. Poor guy. He has been so stuffy and absolutely hates the blue bulb syringe. I used to be terrified about using the bulb syringe, but I have actually become quite good at it lately. Unfortunately, there is really nothing that I can do for him, but to keep suctioning him and use the humidifier in his room.
And another first was yesterday (Saturday) I took Josh out for his first walk around the neighborhood because it was in the 60's. I think he enjoyed it. I took Bruiser along and I know that he enjoyed it because he got to sniff the whole neighborhood (kind of annoying to have to keep stopping, and Bruiser kind of kept pulling the stroller a bit, but oh well he has to get out too so we will learn to adjust). I took some pics of the walk and I will try to post them when I get home. I haven't done pics on a blog yet, hopefully it's not too hard to figure out.

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